City of Lenexa Website

Role: Design, branding, photography, website development

Redesign of the city's website as part of a two-person team within a year timeframe. The code was rewritten with the use of CSS for layout and menu elements, without relying on Flash or javascript for navigation, and a minimal inclusion of adapted code such as jQuery rotating images and styling for the searchbox. In addition, the graphics were redone with a fresher look and feel, navigation was changed from image buttons to text, and the entire navigation structure was reworked for ease of use.

After one winter of particularly heavy snowfall, a special-weather section was also created for citizens, known as the Snow HQ. This section not only had constant updates whenever weather hit, but helpful resources, animated diagrams, and contact numbers.

Along with praise from the city's residents, the Snow HQ was also the recipient of two awards from 3CMA (City-County Communications and Marketing Association) in the 2014 national competition: 1st Place for Government Service Delivery, and the illustrious President's Award (best out of over 600 entries.)